Monthly Meeting
Trini Mendenhall Community Center, 1414 Wirt Road
Houston, TX 77055
Main No.: (713) 956-0881

When We Meet
Third Thursday of each month
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:45 pm

For meeting information

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FS 2014 Panorama


The 2016 TAS Field School will be held between 11 - 18 June, 2016, and once again we will be heading back to Columbus, Texas.


Finishing What We Started - Dr. Jason W. Barrett, Principal Investigator


Field School 2016 Registration Fee Increase - Ron Ralph, Field School Committee Chair


Campground Information


Archaeolympics comes to Field School - Glynn Osburn


2016 Registration Form & Attendance Agreement

For more information about the TAS 2016 Field School go to the 2016 Field School section at the TAS Website.

To learn more about the history behind our archeological society contact Publicity/Outreach:

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